Friday, July 14, 2006

"Incredible" Pizza

We discovered an alternative to Chuck E. Cheese, the place is called Incredible Pizza. I was told that it was like CEC but that it also had appeal to the older crowd.

After hitting the very long buffet of pizza and salad we found many options for dining atmosphere. There were 50's style, new age style, family style, and this gymnasium style which the girls chose. I think their choice was more based on the large TV rather than atmosphere but it worked all the same.

Although the pizza buffet is the main front for this place obviously it is the game area that draws the younger crowd. They had all kinds of arcade style games and little rides. They also had an indoor mini go-cart track, bumper cars, and mini-golf. The place was an indoor carnival.

The place was loaded with all kinds of games to choose from but Molly quickly found her favorite, the Elvis limited edition pinball game.

Kristy really loves air-hockey and I think her little girls are starting to build that same love. They played for a long time, especially because it was messed up and wouldn't end their turn.

What was most impressive was the advanced system used to purchase credits for the games. They have an internal debit system, you buy a debit card from them with however much money you wish. Then you swipe the card at the machine, as pictured above on the bottom left, and your card is debited what ever amount the game costs. A very nice system indeed, no more quarters or crazy tokens.

The girls had a great time, Kristy and I also had a great time following them around from game to game.

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