Thursday, October 12, 2006

Open House at Mark Twain Elementry

It is so hard to believe that molly has been a kindergartener long enough to already have her parent-teacher open house. Molly was very excited to bring us to her school so she could show off all of her work.

We had the wonderful pleasure of Molly leading Kristy, Neleha, and myself all around her classroom and school to show us all of her work that was up on display. Kristy also had the opportunity to talk with Molly's teacher who had nothing but wonderful reports about our little Molly. She told us that Molly has already memorized all of the sight words that they will be using this year. So she has Molly read to the other kids that are having some trouble with their sight words. She also said that she had to purchase a more advanced computer learning software because Molly has mastered all that she had in the classroom. Our Molly sure is a smart little girl.

Molly wanted to make sure to show her Mommy the self-depiction that she did at home with Kristy's help.

Molly's teacher had a few little projects for the kids to do so that their parents could see first-hand how well their kids were doing. I thought it was so cute to watch as Molly looked up to her Mommy after each little project to confirm her approval.

We had such a wonderful time being a part of Molly's life at school, even if it was just for one night. I think the experience only made Neleha want to go to school that much more, she had just as much fun as we did.

Molly: our happy little kindergartener!

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