Saturday, March 17, 2007

Dynamite Fashion Show

Ever year the Forest Institute Financial Aid Office hosts a fashion show to promote their "No Default" program. This program is essentially to teach people how to pay off their school loans efficiently and more importantly entirely. This fashion show is very unique simply because of the spending limit models can use to purchase their attire. What the Financial Aid Office does is give each volunteer model $25 for which to purchase their entire runway attire, and that is the limit. They also throw in the proper motivation to buy the nicest stuff you can find for such a limited amount of money by offering prizes for different categories.

When I heard about it back when I was first interviewing for the school I knew this was right up my alley. I don't know too many other guys that love to shop at thrift stores as much as I do....well with the exception of my favorite movie character Napoleon Dynamite. So to honor my favorite character I got my $25 and headed to Goodwill, Disabled American Vets, and the Salvation Army thrift stores to buy some threads to make me look like the man without a plan.

I found a 3-piece suit, clip-on tie, brown leather shoes, and glasses for less than my limit. I was in business. We were allowed to supply our own accessories so the additional wig and numb-chucks topped off my presentation. I edited a track from the ND soundtrack for my runway song, it was the suit-walk, it work perfectly! I put on the best show I could as did my best not too embarrass my sweetheart who was watching from the audience, but I think I failed in that effort.

My runway performance included me quickly pulling my clip-on off and throwing it in the crowd, swing around a pair of numb-chucks, and pulling out some tater tots from my pocket and eating them. It was so fun but to be honest I couldn't see a thing the entire time. The glasses were actually +3 reading glasses which made everything blurry beyond recognition. Fun times indeed!
In the end I was awarded the honor of having the most complete outfit, 'HECK YES I DID'. Better than that however Kristy ended up winning the big door prize which was a very nice over-night suit case on rollers. We had some seriously sweet luck!

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