Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Reason to Believe #10

This was my follow-up email I sent out to maximize the number of students who would actually vote before the polls closed after being open for an entire week.

In light of the past two U.S. Presidential elections I wish to offer my pledge that "EVERY VOTE WILL BE COUNTED" there will be No Hanging Chads or long lines at the polls. In fact I provide my promise that this STUCO Presidential election will not be decided by the courts but by the students of this fine institution of higher learning. Every Casted Vote WILL Be A Counted Vote!

I hope that this pledge will put your minds at ease and build confidence for the great majority of YOU, the student body, who has hesitated to vote. The future of your Forest Institute is in your hands. Exercise your RIGHT TO VOTE, the polls close at 5:00pm this Friday, visit the polling booth at the library and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!

Remember the lessons we have learned from Florida & Ohio "Every Vote Counts"

"Reason to Believe #10"

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