Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Springfield's Gems: Best of 417 Awards 2008

There are not many magazines I would ever admit to reading. I assure you that the list is short and carries a theme, guy stuff. I am talking Field & Stream, Missouri Game & Fish, Off-Road Adventures, Outdoor Life, Rangefinder and for my spiritual side I also pick up the Ensign. What you will not find on my list is girly magazines, like Cosmo, People, Elle, or Better Homes & Gardens. However, with all that said there is one magazine that is not like the others on my list that I am proud to admit to reading, 417 Magazine.

417 provides the outs and ins of everything Springfield and also the local areas like Branson. In those pages I have often learned about little gems I may never have known of any other way. There are museums, caves, parks, and festivals all usually free of charge or nearly free and all worth checking out. I found them all through 417 Magazine. Over the last year and a half however I have come to learn that the most important issue of 417 during the year is that which reports the "Best of 417 Awards". There are many reasons a person would want this issue, for me it is all about the food. I have followed the advice from the 2007 awards and have never been terribly disappointed. In fact normally I am amazed! These awards are right on the money, trust me.

The categories that I pay close attention to are of course the Best of Cashew Chicken and the Best of Local Restaurants and the Best of New Local Restaurants. I certainly encourage you to pick up your eating and everything Springfield "Best of" guide this month while they are hot off the press.

Best Cashew Chicken 2008
Hong Kong Inn

Best Local Restaurant 2008
Ocean Zen

Best New Local Restaurant 2008

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