Sunday, May 25, 2008

A 99cent Foot of Chocolate in Historic Branson

My family loves Branson, I mean LOVES BRANSON!!
We visit this tourist town as often as time and resources will allow. The Memorial Day weekend provided us another opportunity. This time we decided to finally check out the Historic Downtown area. We had often passed through this part of Branson but never stopped to actually check it out. This was finally the day.

Along with the many variety type shops and tourist stuff shops we found candy stores, desert shops, diners, and even a theater advertising an Elvis Show. The atmosphere was far removed from the "Branson Strip" which is full of flashing lights, high priced shows, and chain restaurants. The Historic Downtown area was a more relaxed step back from the long lines of traffic. For me it was the advertised "Foot of Chocolate" for 99 cents that I was most interested in. The Fudge Shop honored their ad, in a rather strange way.

I am not sure what I was expecting when I dropped down my crisp dollar bill, but a foot of chocolate is what I got. In fact it was a foot print shaped piece of chocolate on a stick. I was well satisfied with my purchase. As for the downtown area...... we decided we liked the fast paced, flashing light atmosphere of the strip.

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