Friday, July 25, 2008

Showing off the Twins at the New Student BBQ

The New Student BBQ is one of the more relaxed events Student Council hosts each Summer and Fall. In the past we have always enjoyed good food, good games, good company but not until this year did we get to enjoy TWINS!!!! Yes I may be very biased but having the twins at the BBQ made the event so much better. Quite simply I thought it would be a great opportunity to show off our new babies and indeed it was.

The BBQ itself was a big hit reaping as many attendees as in times past. The food was great, the games were fun and the new students appeared to enjoy themselves.

For me personally however, the BBQ was a good hit for another reason, I got to show off my new babies. I truly enjoyed watching my sweetheart talk about the twins with my peers and even some of my professors. In fact I think some of my professors assisted Kristy with changing some diapers. Certainly good times were had.....

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