Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Transition Item

According to certain theories of psychology a transition item serves to assist an individual with a dramatic life change. The item serves as a means to assist in coping with the many adjustments that will be a result of the life change. In terms of our situation, while Mommy and Daddy are busy with the twins, Molly and Neleha will be busy with their transition item. At least that is the plan......

Thanks to our local Sam's Club we were able to purchase this very unique cabin style playhouse. Having Dale, Tove and Gary here to help me put it together was most welcomed. Relatively, it went together pretty quick, especially the roof, of course it had begun to rain and Gary, Tove and myself didn't feel like taking a warm Missouri shower if you know what I mean. The kids loved it and we got it just days prior to Kristy's scheduled delivery, perfect timing for a transition item.


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