Saturday, July 1, 2006

Goodbye Fairborn ........... Hello Springfield

In a matter of a few days we packed up and moved away. A small U-Hual trailer behind my Sidekick and the van fully loaded, we were all ready for our next adventure in Missouri.

After a long nine-hour drive we arrived at our new home, which is actually a campus apartment, in the late morning, signed our lease, got our keys, and began to unpack.

We got some help unpacking from our neighbor Rachel who is a member of our church that we met on one of our previous visits to the area. Rachel's family (husband and 2 children) live right across the sidewalk from our apartment. Its so nice to have instant friends.

Molly and Neleha were very exhausted after our big move and so we set up their beds first and they quickly put them to use.

And so our life in Missouri begins.............

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