Tuesday, July 4, 2006

July 4th, Missouri Style

Our new friends Rachel & Sean invited us over for a holiday cook-out. Our kids got along great and we all had a relaxing time just getting to know each other. The food was plentiful and the kids put on a little 4th of July parade for our entertainment. We had a great time.

After the cook-out we headed out looking for the city fireworks display. In Ohio we always used this method and it worked. However, in Missouri fireworks are not illegal, I'm talking any fireworks.

So many people were shooting off professional style fireworks that we could not discern between the city display and private citizen displays. We decided to just find a parking spot on a hill so we could just watch fireworks going off all around us.

We lucked out by finding a hill with a family lighting some off in their yard. I am not talking a big yard, I am talking their tiny little in-city front yard. We jumped up on the roof of the van and enjoyed the show. We could fireworks all around us, as far as the eye could see. It was nice however to be only about 100 feet away from these guys who were letting them rip right in front of us. The girls and Kristy and I were overwhelmed by the great colorful show in the starry sky.

After we hung out for about an hour we decided that it was time for a cold treat. Missouri does seem a bit more hot and humid compared to Ohio, so even at 9:00pm we were all getting a little warm. We headed to "Andy's" it is a local chain of frozen custard stands. Let me tell you they are soooooo good. You start off with vanilla or chocolate frozen custard and then you tell them what to mix in it. This place is going to be hard to stay away from. To learn more about Andy's go to www.eatandys.com

Another great Independence Day.

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