Saturday, July 8, 2006

Lambert's Cafe "Home of the Throwed Rolls" and a Movie

We decided to explore the local legendary Lambert's Cafe, home of the original "throwed rolls". We have heard about this place from many different people all of which praised the place to the highest degree.

We were forewarned that we would have to wait, they do not take reservations, and they are usually packed. The cool thing is that they give you a menu while you wait so you will know what you want when you get seated.

After a 40 minute wait we were shown to our seat. The atmosphere alone won us over. It is as if you are on a farm, just outside a barn or something. The wait staff were most friendly and then of course there were the throwed rolls.

I caught my first throwed roll when a young kid in red suspenders came by with a cartfull. He yelled out "rolls" and I indicated I wanted four. He yelled "heads up" and then he started throwing them at me one at a time but when I caught the first one he tossed the remaining three as fast as he could one right after the other. I think they like to keep you on your toes. The rolls were fresh and hot, right out of the oven and those babies were good!

It was so fun to ask for more rolls just to be able to catch em, sounds weird I know. But you really get caught up in the excitement when everyone is yelling for rolls and their flying through the air in all directions. The dude just stands pretty much in one spot and lets em rip, even all the way across the room if needed.

All the food was great and although it is not exactly advertised, seconds is free of charge. The wait staff also constantly brings around what they call "pass arounds". It is basically the sides for your meal, fried okra, fried potatoes, some macaroni in a tomato sauce, sorghum molasses for your rolls, etc.... There is plenty to go around, let me tell you. We had a very great time and a great meal, Lambert's is certainly worthy of the legendary status they hold. To learn more about Lambert's Cafe to go:

After our wonderful meal we headed to a local park for free movie night.

Founders Park is located right downtown Springfield and is perfect for a movie. With the skyline as a backdrop and the stadium style seating, you would almost think they had these movie nights in mind when the built the place.

Springfield has a wonderful park system from what we have seen so far. This movie night is put on two weekends a month during the summer on both Friday and Saturday night. It obviously draws a pretty big crowd.

The movie was "Wizard of Oz" and not only did we get to enjoy the movie, they also passed out temporary Wizard of Oz tattoos for the kids. Our little family had a wonderful time enjoying each others company and watching this wonderful classic.

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