When we first moved to Springfield one of our trips to Bass Pro resulted in Kristy purchasing a weekend getaway package for the Bass Pro Resort "Big Cedar Lodge" in Branson. The package was very inexpensive and Kristy thought that it would be perfect for our anniversary. Due to school and the holidays we were not able to take advantage of our anniversary getaway until now, but we enjoyed it all the same. The one catch to this very inexpensive package was that we had to listen to a 2 hour sales pitch about time shares for the lodge.

The lodge was breath taking, certainly an outdoorsman paradise.

The room was unlike any hotel room we had ever stayed in, it was like staying in a log cabin crossed with a hotel room.

From the framed vintage fish lures, to the old time radio lamp and even the window into the bathroom; it was a singular experience.

The resort's restaurants were not exactly appropriate for a graduate student's budget but we were able to find a deli that was very good and pretty cheap.

They had such wonderful sandwiches and deserts, a place we could certainly appreciate.

So after lunch we ventured out to check out what the resort had to offer.

We found a huge Lincoln Log table where the girls got to attempt to build their own log house while Kristy got to decide what spa services she would indulge in as my gift to her for putting up with me for last 7 years.

We took a walk around the resort and enjoyed the crisp weather and fresh Ozark air.

The resort was so beautiful.

Kristy headed out for her spa appointment and the girls and I headed out for the lake.

Along the way to the lake we decided to explore the rest of the resort.

We crossed the hanging bridge and found the playground and the mini-golf course.

The playground was very fun for the girls and the last hole of the mini-golf course being in a big Bass was pretty cool for me.

We finally found our way to the resort marina on Table Rock Lake were we got to enjoy the complimentary paddle boats.

We squeezed into a 2 seater and paddled around having a great time on this most wonderful lake.

Afterwards we picked up Kristy who was most happy and relaxed however her dope of a husband was trying to be proactive and help her into the van and I inadvertently messed up one of her freshly painted toe nails. However the staff at the resort spa fixed it for free and encouraged her to have me stay away from her until her nails were completely dry. Advise that she certainly put to use.

So for our anniversary dinner we went to a Branson favorite "Outback Steak and Oyster Bar".

We heard so many good things about this place, which all panned out to be true.

Kristy ordered a steak........

Molly wanted the onion blossom.......

Neleha and I went for the "Gator Tail" which tasted like chicken??????

We enjoyed a wonderful meal together and highly recommend this "other" Outback Steak restaurant.

Back at the resort we decided to hit the indoor heated pool. We had such a wonderful time swimming and splashing and having a really great time.

We even ventured outside in the very cold crisp air to take a dip in the very heated hot tub. Neleha was so funny, she kept telling us that she wanted to go back to the "cold tub".

The next day it was time for Kristy and I to take our sales tour and sit through 2 hours of very boring sales pitch. The good thing was that Molly and Neleha didn't have to be tortured with the experience, they actually provided a class for the kids where they got to make and color fish and fishing poles.

Kristy and I however got to enjoy a very long but luckily very low pressure sales tour of the resort. In the end we decided that even if we had the money we would not put it here, the resort was awesome however, the time share options were very over priced.

All and all it was a very wise choice for Kristy to purchase this Big Cedar package for our anniversary. We had such a relaxing and enjoyable time. We would certainly recommend Big Cedar to anyone that is looking for an outdoors getaway in Branson.
To our first seven of eternity.......... I am certainly looking forward to the next seven.
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