The Student Council has just completed their 4th Community Crash event. These events originated out of a mistake the Student Council made due to some assumptions on our part that opened an outpouring of debate that may very well be the first outright Scholar 360 debate ever. From that experience it was identified that a more appropriate avenue should be opened to address current diversity concerns within a safe environment. The Community Crash was born. Our first event went beautifully, the movie was perfect, the discussion that followed was rich with heartfelt concern and genuine openness. It was very clear however that we had only begun to touch the surface of the many concerns regarding diversity that we face during our Forest Institute journey.

We decided that the Community Crash would continue each term and the movie selection would be based on the current needs of the student body. At first we simply based the selection on our own perceptions of this need. However, by the third event, we were receiving topic recommendations from students.

Our most recent event held tonight was a continuation of those events in the past. There begins with some hesitation as the discussion is initiated. Slowly the discussion starts to roll and before long everyone is desperately waiting their turn to participate. Along the course of the discussion it is typical to feel some tension which rises and falls from input to input. Some participate much, others very little. But in the end we all leave with a better sense of the world around us. It certainly has proven to me to be a most valuable experience each term.