Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Introducing "Silver Dollar City"

For the Guinther's last day with us we headed south to Branson. We purchased season passes for the three theme parks in Branson with our tax return and as a bonus we received many free passes to be used during certain times of the year.Sherry & Dale's visit was just perfect for one of those times. This was the first weekend that Silver Dollar City opened so this visit was our first visit to the park as well.

The first attraction that caught our eye was Marvel Cave. It is a well known cave system located beneath the park and the tour is included in the admission price. So I talked everyone into waiting the 30 minutes so we could explore the great Ozark underground.

The tour was about one-hour long and included walking down a very long stair and ramp system. The sights inside however were well worth the wait and the stairs.

As soon as you finally arrive at the base of the main opening you are shuffled in line for their official pictures. The photo turned out pretty good so we decided to purchase it.

The cave had some very tight turns and declines and proved to be very beautiful all along the way.

The best part was the waterfall. This was a first for us, we have been through many cave systems but never one with an underground waterfall. Unfortunately we were not able to stay long to enjoy the scene but it was a very awesome sight.

I think Neleha and Garret had it the best during our tour as they were carried throughout the tour.

The kids had a great time exploring this amazing underworld and I think even us parents enjoyed it too.

We eventually reached the end of the tour which concluded with a train ride out of the cave. The train was the craziest train I had ever seen. It was a crooked train due to the fact of the steepness of the ascent out of the cave. It provided a nice smooth and relaxing ride.

Once we were out of the cave we began to explore this so called "City". It was quit an impressive place. They had a very unexpectedly large number of vendor areas where various carfts or food was sold all of which was made right here in the park. In fact most of it was being made right in front of your eyes.
We finally found the kids rides area and that is were we stayed. The kids had such a blast being able to spend time with each other and being able to enjoy all these rides.

Dale and I were able to hang out and talk guy talk while the kids road and while Kristy & Sherry also rode.

Everyone certainly had a great time!

Dale and I eventually did find a ride suitable for all of us, the kiddie coaster.

So we jumped aboard and had a ride to remember.

Before long we had made our way through all the kiddie rides and it was finally nearing dinner-time and while in the Ozarks there really is only one place for dinner....it was time for Lambert's.

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