Thursday, April 12, 2007

Neleha: Photo Assistant & Forest Institute Celebrity

My little Neleha tagged along with me one day as I was taking some promotional photographs for the school. The Admissions Department was updating their website and I volunteered to shoot some photos around the school and the clinic. Neleha and I had a blast walking around the campus and taking pictures. The best part was of course taking pictures of her.

Every time I would begin to take photos of another area of the campus she insisted on being in at least the first one. She was a wonderful model!

It really made her day when we went to the clinic and she got to pose for an actual promotional photograph. We needed a kid for a photo of our play therapy room and she served very nicely as our newest Forest Institute Celebrity. In fact she was a little upset when it was time to go.

To see all the photographs, including the one above of Neleha in the play therapy room, on the Forest Institute website just go to: Forest Institute Virtual Tour

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