The following was my first campain email I sent to my fellows students at Forest Institute. Wish me luck!
As many of you are aware, the current Executive Student Council Officers have decided to not run for re-election. Rather their reasons for stepping down are related to some so-called "Evil Alien Agenda" or for personal reasons it matters not. Having worked closely with them for the last term as a Class Representative I have been inspired by their "Flippin' Sweet" spirit of innovation and improvement. I am therefore compelled to run in their absence in hopes that I might be able to pick up their torch and carry on the legacy.
The following is a list of
"Reasons to Believe in Adam B."
The following is a list of
"Reasons to Believe in Adam B."

Many efforts have been initiated to obtain proper student representation in different aspects of our academic experience. These areas include the Board of Trustees, the Comprehensive Exam Committee, Direct Representation with the CEO, Student Housing Committee and the Academic Committee. I Believe these efforts have been worthy and most appropriate but it is now time that a renewed dedication be issued by the elected members of student council and that it be the highest priority in realizing this representation.

During this last term we have secured sponsorship from 3 area businesses including, McAlister's Deli, Village Cleaners and Wal-Mart. This is only the beginning, I Believe their is much more opportunity for the community as well as the student body to benefit directly from local area business sponsorship.

With the recent change in housing management many concerns have been raised regarding the future quality of life for those residing in student housing. I Believe that our student housing should feel like student housing, not some private apartment complex coincidentally located near the academic building. The many suggestions have included extending the Wi-Fi from the academic building to student housing, partitioning an area in the nearby field for gardening, property management/maintenance turned over to designated residence in return for rent reductions, improved efforts in maintenance and up keep of the grounds and the implementation of community meetings to voice concerns. These are not only appropriate suggestions but very feasible.

The most important aspect of a graduate program is student morale. Low morale equates to low achievement. I Believe the single most effective way to improve student morale is through functions hosted by the school. Such functions could include a return of the winter formal dance, organized discounted outdoor activities (horseback riding, skiing, camping, hiking, organized school sponsored sporting teams, concerts), and social events. Fostering an environment where bonding and comradery occur is the essential element of this effort.

Forest Institute has always fostered a reputation for unwavering service for the residence of Springfield and the many surrounding areas. I Believe that we must maintain this standard in order to continue to elicit the respect that has been established by the members of this community for Forest Institute and it's graduates.

Despite the many years that Forest Institute has been a member of this community there appears to be very little awareness of our presence by the general local population. I Believe that fostering increased community awareness will result in a drastic increase in the community outpouring of support for Forest Institute initiatives, be it community service projects or efforts to directly benefit students. One way this may be accomplished is through a Forest Institute extension being added to the Ozark Greenways Trail system which runs on the property in front of the academic building.

In the age of obesity, all organizations should promote good physical wellness. I Believe that it is Forest Institute's duty to lead in this effort to promote fitness to all of it's faculty, staff and student body. This effort requires very little organizationally, yet the benefits can truly save lives.

There are few experiences that can match that offered by military service. I am honored to have served a 5-year enlistment as a Navy Medic assigned to the Marine Corps. It was my privilege to serve alongside the finest men and women of this country. I Believe that those experiences have prepared me well to foster the leadership and motivation needed to serve loyally as an elected student body officer.

My abduction last Fall was by far the most intense education I have ever received. I Believe that everyone should apply their diversity training and overcome their fear of the unknown and embrace our extra-terrestrial allies by hosting a DIPI to discuss this very misunderstood culture.
-Thank you for your time and consideration-
Adam B. for STUCO President
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