While I was at my interview day at Forest Institute Neleha decided that it was high time to be completely potty trained. Kristy and the girls were at the hotel and Neleha started to independently go to the bathroom. So Neleha was potty trained and now she wanted to collect on a promise we made her..... Chuck E. Cheese's. I am not sure if it was the promise about Chuck E. Cheese's or if she just decided to be potty trained, but regardless she did it. By no means do I want to down play the great diligence Kristy has put forth with working with Neleha since August and all that work has finally paid off. Kristy is such an awesome Mommy!

The girls had a great time with all the games and the pizza but there was one attraction that made it all worth while.

Chuck the mouse was of course the real reason why Neleha had looked forward to obtaining her reward and Molly was also able to enjoy the reward. Molly is currently attempting to obtain a similar reward by not sucking her thumb any more. Molly's goal is to be done with the thumb by May so she can have her Birthday party at the Mouse House. As for Neleha, she very much enjoyed her reward and Kristy and I will very much enjoy Neleha's new found independence.

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