What to do when school is out for an entire week and you are spending it in Springfield, Missouri? Why not spend it 1984 style? Yes, 1984 is not only a year from the decade of "pop music" but its also a nostalgic arcade in downtown Springfield.
For a single $5 bill one can play all the arcade games they wish for an entire night. Yes, if nostalgic game playing is what you are craving, 1984 is the place for you.
I am not sure if it was the fun of watching my oldest daughter and my best friend smile and laugh as they concentrated so closely in their attempt to master the fine tuned moves of a joystick and buttons. It may have also been the fact that I got to play Xevious all I wanted without dropping a single quarter. Regardless, I had such a blast!
1984 is crammed with around 50 arcade games along with a handful of pinball games and a nice little snack bar. Not a bad place to spend an evening when hanging out in Springfield with nothing to do.
To learn more about 1984 check out their website: www.1984arcade.com

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